Sunday, December 21, 2008

Trampled Wal-Mart Worker Analysis

A few days ago we had an in class discussion about the Wal-Mart worker who was trampled by customers early on black friday. This one incident shows how consumption in America is becoming more and more about competition. Thousands of people lined up early that morning waiting to get into Wal-Mart, to buy as much as possible for the lleast amount of people. It goes beyond getting a bargain... but getting it before the next pereson. An innocent man was killed because impaitient people wanted to get a sale. i thnk its crazy how obsessed people have become with getting a discount and in turn "saving" money. Companies spend drastic amounts of money on marketng, and trying to get these people to come buy these products by giving them little to nothing discounts. It's sad how people fall into the trap. With all of these 20% offs and buy one get one items, people aren'tt realizing that they end up spending more money tahn they potentially have. If they never saw the ad, then they may not have wanted the product, or ever went to buy it. It seems like people are buying things just because they are on sale, not because they need them. I think that it ahs obviously gone too far if an innocent mans life was taken because people wanted to "rack" up on as many materialistic things as possible. This incident shows what a greedy and obsessive socciety we live. Consumers rush out and possibly "kill" to get that new hot item, or get as much as possible for as least as possible. While The companies will do anything to try and get the consumer to buy their product. Its all about money...and having as much as it as possible. I thinkt aht its sad that as kids we are growing up to be very materialistic, and that they next generation will probblly be worse off than we are today.

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