While on the nature walk with Wildman Steve, I felt like I was experiencing something that many kids or even adults may never be able to experience. I learned alot about various plants and berries that could be found in central park. Even though I couldn't here the name of every plant he showed us/ that I collected I did find some of them useful. I will admit that I was kind of skeptical about some of the plants. While people like Dylan and Alijo were willing to to try anything (even things that Steve said not to eat), i would rather sit back and take their word for what it tasted like. This experience also made me realize how dependent I have become to supermarkets and industrialized food. We have been talking about supermarkets and how in some ways the food that are sold are potentially bad for you, but going on this tour really made it hit home. All the natural alternatives that we can potentially live off of found in central park really opened my eyes. The plant I found most interesting was the poor man's pepper (can't remember actual name), this was surprisingly good. I could see myself using this in the kitchen.
Although i enjoyed this experience, I felt that Wildman Steve was a little self centered. I t seemed like he was always making extra stops to tell us various stories about different magazines he's been in, and the different reporters that have had dinner at his home. The story that I did pay attention to was his story of getting arrested for giving a tour in 1993 i think. I never thought that picking natural resources from a public park would be a crime. This made me think that maybe society would rather stick to the way of industrialized food, instead of trying an alternative. Society knows very little about processed foods and healthy natural foods, but decides to stick with the processed/industrialized foods. I think that if everyone went on this tour (even though hes very bizarre), people could really learn a lot and may want to eat healthier more natural foods. 

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