Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May Day

Until I had to do this assignment, i had never heard of the holiday May Day. May Day is the celebration of the achievements of the international labor movement, through different street demonstrations and marches. This holiday is celebrated all over the world, but rarely in the United States. The holiday May Day is also associated with socialism and communism, which I think is a main reason why America has chose to have nothing to do with it. The fact that we don't celebrate this day with the rest of the world made me wonder. Why does America have to celebrates it's workers on their own day (Labor Day)? Compared to May Day where their demonstrations represent what they worked for and how hard they work, Labor Day in the U.S. is celebrated by having a day off to party, have barbecues, and hangout with family and friends.

I think that this shows what America really thinks about it's working class. It seems like they don't care how hard there citizens work, and how much they contribute to the country. Whether they're communists, socialists, or anarchists, countries all over the world are showing their appreciation for the various labor unions and the different hard work that is being done. While America barely acknowledges their holiday, when the working class makes up most of the American population.

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